Friday, November 13, 2009

Can emo be a cultural misunderstanding?

like when people say 0o0o look at the emo kid just because someone has there hair on there face is that just a sterotype or cultural misunderstanding. what can be a cultural misunderstanding with emo..or just with anyone that listens to rock and is punk or whatever.

pwezz help


Can emo be a cultural misunderstanding?

Its a phase dont put so much thought into it.

Can emo be a cultural misunderstanding?

its just typically what emos like, not all emos are like in my school wears like yellow...

Can emo be a cultural misunderstanding?

I think thats a sterotype because not everyone knows what "emo is. (its a music genre by the way) So its not really a part of culture. Though I think they are the same thing, sterotypes and cultural misunderstandings. (But I could be wrong)

EDIT: Oh ok I see what you mean now. You could say it is one but your teacher will disagree. Its a misunderstanding alright (emo is a music genre but more than half of the teenage population thinks its someone who wears dark clothes and cries alot) but if you slapped cultural onto it I doubt that would fly. It is hard to think of one. Try google or something. Thats what I do.

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